
Why invest in Latvia?

Feb 10, 2020
AC Hotel Riga by Marriott, Dzirnavu 33

40 members and guests were eager to meet the new Investment and Development Agency (LIAA) Director Kaspars Rožkalns on February 10 for the breakfast event at AC Hotel Riga by Marriott. The new LIAA Director shared his priorities: ways to increase import and export from and to the U.S., more active marketing of Latvia's strength abroad and locally with priority sectors: Global Business Services Centers (GBS), Smart Materials, Life Sciences, Smart City's as well as development of Relocation Guide and active involvement of LIAA in workforce attraction. The Agency will also devote more time involving Diaspora in agency's activities and supporting the Latvian-U.S. business conference Spotlight Latvia that will place on September 25th in Los Angeles.

According to Mr. Rožkalns, the Agency will focus on aftercare service of existing investors and stakeholders in Latvia and abroad, including development of improved model of activities of representative offices abroad. 

He also engaged in a discussion with AmCham members on Latvia's trade representation in the U.S. and the results it is bringing. 

To view the presentation of Kaspars Rozkalns

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AmCham is a 'must-join' organization for any company of scope or international ambition.

Karlis Cerbulis, Senior Vice President of NCH Advisors, Inc.

We are very pleased to be part of AmCham and are looking forward to driving innovation forward in Latvia.

Mikko Fernström, General Manager, Biogen Latvia