Rebirth of Roche historic headquarters
Our September Business After Hours was indeed an exclusive opportunity to hear a truly amazing story of Roche's historic home located at Miera 25. The program included a tour by the Lead Architect at Didrihsons Arhitekti and two inspiring presentations by Dr. Rauls Veliņš, Director of Roche Latvija and Prof. Juris Salaks, Director of RSU Institute of Medical History.
Key issues for digital & territorial transformation
The first luncheon after the summer break featured Juris Pūce, Minister for Environmental Protection and Regional Development who shared timeline for administrative territorial reform and offered the future vision for Latvia's digital transformation.
What is Latvia's competitive advantage?
As part of the Foreign Investors Council in Latvia's High Council meeting a public discussion on the value of compliance and competitiveness was held. Revisit the discussion!
The Leader's Guide to Cybersecurity
At a virtual event hosted by the Harvard Buiness Press Review cybersecurity expert and author Thomas J. Parenty presented a non-technical guide for companies to understand the main cybersecurity risks.
Lead from the Future
In partnership with Tatarklubben, AmCham members were invited to another educational webinar with the Harvard Business Review author Mark W. Johnson to explore the topic "Leaders, Do You Have a Clear Vision for the Post-Crisis Future?"
New Member
Swedbank Latvia joins AmCham
Swedbank Latvia, the leading bank in Latvia, offering products mainly in the areas of lending, payments and savings has recently joined the Chamber as a Corporate Contributing member. We warmly welcome Swedbank to our community!
The culture of compliance
The Finance Latvia Association in cooperation with FICIL and the Financial and Capital Market Commission together with industry experts and representatives of the public administration held an online discussion to discuss the reality of new framework and areas for anti-money laundering and AML/KYC compliance and development. Revisit the event here!
11 key issues raised to the government
During the annual High Council meeting of FICIL, investors and the government agreed on priority areas that should be improved in order to make Latvia's business environment more competitive. The investors highlighted the need to improve the healthcare system, ensure greater stability of the taxation policy, strengthen the rule of law and introduce a wider use of digital solutions. All position papers are available here
Vision for tourism development
On September 10, AmCham together with the Norwegian and Swedish Chambers of Commerce held a meeting between its tourism sector members and the Ministry of Economy and LIAA. The Joint Tourism Working Group has been formed in order to discuss Latvia's Tourism Development plan and to maintain constructive dialogue with stakeholders.
Current & emerging healthcare issues
Members of the healthcare industry came together after the summer break to discuss the latest developments of initiatives & projects: Design Thinking Workshop on improvement of the Oncology data registry and Conference on data-driven health. Members also had on opportunity to learn more about the Genomics Data Network and ways companies can connect to GDN from John Tully, MikroTik. The current challenges of secondary use of health data were presented by Agris Bitāns of Eversheds Sutherland Bitāns.
Special offers to help through the crisis
At times like these, we would like to support each other. We will therefore promote our members who have been hardest hit by the current pandemic. This week our spotlight is on a 5* boutique hotel Grand Palace Hotel. The Grand Palace Hotel has prepared a very special breakfast offer for our members. You are welcome to enjoy the offer with your colleagues, partners or friends. For reservations please call +371 6704-4000 and make a reference to AmCham.
Exonicus receives award for IVR Training Simulator
On September 16, Exonicus received the award by the United States Army Medical Research and Development Command for their Virtual Reality Training Platform. Exonicus and the Madigan Army Medical Center started the work on this platform already 3 years ago and it is already in use by the US Army. It's a free-play, virtual reality training platform capable of training medical personnel through dynamic and physiologically accurate patient injury simulations.
Swedbank launches co-creation space at TechHub Riga
On September 15, Swedbank launched a co-creation space "Startup House" at TechHub Riga premises. It is the second co-creation office Swedbank has opened for startups where innovative ideas, enterprising people and new technologies connect with experience and access to international markets.
Nel Capadona appointed Director of the International School of Latvia
Nel Capadona has been appointed as the new Director of the International School of Latvia (ISL) from the beginning of August 2020. One of the most important aspects of her work here in Latvia will be building strong relationships within the community. She will be happy to meet AmCham members in person at next events. A warm welcome to Nel and we look forward to meeting her soon!
CSR Latvia calls for applications
For the sixth time, CSR Latvia welcomes participants in the "Responsible Business Ambassadors" program which is suitable for representatives of companies and organizations, as well as for anyone interested in understanding and learning the principles of corporate social responsibility and sustainability. Responsible business is about the company's well-being and long-term profits. Application deadline: October 10. Apply here!
Don’t let the elections pass you by
If you are a U.S. citizen and plan to vote in the November 2020 election it is important to ACT NOW! Don't wait, return your voted ballot right away! Remember U.S. embassies and consulates are not polling places; same-day in-person voting is not available outside the United States, but you can get assistance in requesting and returning your absentee ballot. Many states require voted ballots to reach local election officials by the close of polls on Tuesday, November 3. Read more here!
Valdis Dombrovskis becomes new EU Trade Commissioner
European Commission Executive Vice President Valdis Dombrovskis will be the EU's new trade commissioner and he will also be a Trade Chief to deal with the U.S. Dombrovsksis, who has served as acting trade commissioner since the resignation of Phil Hogan last month, will relinquish some of the current responsibilities in his broad economic portfolio.