AmCham provides S3 a great opportunity to connect with business community.
Agne Stojakove, Market Vice President, Country Manager Strategic, Staffing Solutions International
The event was moderated by Susan Danger, the CEO of Amcham EU and Chair of the Amchams in Europe Association. The panel discussion featured Simone Crolla, Managing Director of AmCham Italy, Peter Dahlen, Manager Director of AmCham Sweden, Eveline Y Metzen, General Manager of AmCham Germany and Emmanuel Adam, CEO of British-American Businesses.
All the countries represented differ in sizes, economic and political background, and also on the strategies when it comes to battling the COVID -19. One thing that definitely unites all of them, and us, is uncertainty. It is hard to make any predictions, but it is rather clear that it doesn't really matter if you are in a pandemic phase 1, or 2, some very challenging times are still ahead.
The panel agreed that when it comes to responding to challenges in order to restart and support the economy, it is required to think broader. Tax measures would definitely be one of the long-term measures to help the companies to survive. As a society, Europe will need to find a balance between social distancing and restarting businesses. Countries should also be focusing on retaining foreign investors, and organizations such as AmCham should continue offering a strong platform for networking and stakeholder engagement. The international cooperation aspect should be kept on the political agenda of the governments and when planning the economic recovery, the question of sustainability must remain.
According to the speakers there are the following issues to focus on: solidarity, mental strength, and stability, good leadership, bravery, the cooperation of science and politics, and resilience.
AmCham is a 'must-join' organization for any company of scope or international ambition.
Karlis Cerbulis, Senior Vice President of NCH Advisors, Inc.