
Latvia – a study and career destination

Aug 14, 2019
Hotel Bergs, Elizabetes 83/84

Recently AmCham released a position paper outlining recommendations "Latvia - a career destination" on attraction and retention of talent. The position focused on two main priorities: promoting Latvia as an attractive career destination for both domestic and international talent and developing skills to reduce the mismatch in the labor market.

On August 14, AmCham Latvia in cooperation with members Spire Baltic and ERDA, brought together education and business professionals, as well as representatives from Riga Municipality and the Ministry of Education and Science to raise topical issues of Latvia's labor market in the public discussion "Latvia - a career and study destination". It was outlined that in order to increase the number of foreign students in Latvian universities, it is necessary not only to eliminate bureaucratic obstacles for students and professors, but also to ensure higher quality study and living conditions. The aim is to provide conditions that will help to retain students as qualified specialists in the Latvian labor market even after their studies. 

Quacquarelli Symonds, British company specializing in education, has ranked Riga as 110th out of 120 in the list of the most favorable cities for students for the first time. While the entry into the prestigious chart is a positive development, experts have acknowledged that consolidating Latvia as an international study and career destination requires complex solutions that would mean more collaboration and engagement from both private and public sectors. Discussion participants agree that students' interest can only be increased by conscientiously working to promote public tolerance towards foreigners and ensuring that study facilities are improved - especially safe and comfortable places to live.

Speakers of this discussion included:

  • Anita Muižniece, Parliamentary secretary at Ministry of Education and Science;
  • Aigars Rostovskis, Chairman of the Latvian Chamber of Commerce and Industry;
  • Baiba Pētersone, Director of International Department at Riga Stradins University;
  • Viesturs Celmiņš, Anthropologist with Specialization in Design and Urban Planning;
  • Daunis Auers, Associate Professor, University of Latvia and Director of Certus think-tank;
  • Ieva Lasmane, Member of the Board of "Live Riga";
  • Kim Leandersson, Director of Cognizant Latvia;
  • Jānis Palkavnieks, Spokesperson of Draugiem Group;
  • Māra Zīra, Head of the Strategic Planning Division at Riga City Council City Development Department;
  • Jason Allen, Chairman of Spire Baltic;
  • Līga Meņģelsone, Director General of The Employers' Confederation of Latvia (LDDK).

Media coverage:
Karjeras diena, 30.08.2019 

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