
New Chief of KNAB shares his views on tackling corruption

Sep 25, 2017
Radisson Blu Ridzene Hotel, Kronvalds room, Reimersa Street 1

Our September luncheon featured Jēkabs Straume, the New Chief of Corruption Prevention and Combating Bureau (KNAB) of Latvia. The event took place on September 25 at the Radisson Blu Rīdzene Hotel, Kronbergs room, Reimersa 1.

Mr. Straume presented the structure and current tasks of KNAB, mentioning business integrity as one of the working areas. The New Chief of KNAB shared his views of strengthening of the activities and image of the KNAB, improvement of Latvia's ranking in the Corruption Perception Index as well as looked at the current events, which directly or indirectly deal with corruption prevention and combating issues.

After the presentation members and guests engaged in a lively discussion. The questions were devoted to such topics as the role of KNAB in handling Rīdzene conversations case, KNAB employee motivation and increasing the wages, cooperation of KNAB with other law enforcement agencies, the role and plans for KNAB to suggest changes in the law as well as the statistics of cases being prosecuted after the investigation of KNAB. 

Mr. Straume and AmCham Board representatives discussed various ways of cooperation and involvement of AmCham in tackling the corruption issue in Latvia. 

About the Speaker:
Since 15 June 2017 Mr. Jēkabs Straume is the Director of Corruption Prevention and Combating Bureau of Latvia. Mr. Straume has more than 16 years of experience at the Military Intelligence and Security Service of Latvia. With extensive experience being the Head of Department in military intelligence institution and international experience within NATO, Mr. Straume has gained also work related experience in combating corruption while working in State Police. Among priorities highlighted by Mr. Straume is to enhance enforcement staff’s professional skills and competencies in detection and investigation of corruption crimes, including those related to EU funds.

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