
Foreign invesors launch recommendations on economic recovery

Jun 17, 2020
FICIL Task Force has been actively working on developing a set of recommendations for the Government on Latvia's economic recovery in the long-run, covering 3 crucial blocks: human resource, infrastructure and entrepreneurship. These recommendations are available HERE.

FICIL Board members and Healthcare issues work group met with the Minister of Health to discuss the necessary reforms in the Healthcare sector, securing proper funding, improving access to healthcare services and focusing on long-term sustainability. FICIL and the Minister agreed that ensuring appropriate funding for the healthcare sector, including medical professionals, should be seen as a long-term investment in the country.

FICIL Education work group leader Claudio Rivera participated in Saeima Education, Culture and Science Committee meetings to support the necessary changes in higher education institution governance. In FICIL's view, the aim of the reform is to make Latvia's education system more competitive globally as well as to promote innovation and development of science, which in return will create added value to the economy. More information available HERE.

FICIL and SSE Riga launched a follow-up report on the crisis impact on foreign investor companies in Latvia in order to observe the development of the situation as well as to provide an assessment by foreign investors on the policy-makers work in response to the crisis and what still needs to be done to improve the business environment in the long run, as well as find out their future investment plans in Latvia. Full report is available HERE.
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