
AmCham selects Chamber's officials

Apr 06, 2017
On April 6, during the first board meeting after the 24th Annual General Meeting (AGM) new officers were elected.

Eriks Eglitis, Individual member was elected as the Chairman of the Board and President of AmCham for next year. He has served on the Board as the CFO since 2013.

After he served as the Country Manager for Microsoft Latvia 2011-2016, he has turned to ICT Governance and Business Development consulting. He has over 25 years of experience in information and communications technologies (ICT) industry. He is enthusiastic about and has deep knowledge of how to use ICT for value creation for businesses, public sector, and individuals. His ICT sales experience is gathered in multinationals like IBM, Microsoft, Samsung Electronics; his business development and ICT governance roots come from VAS Latvijas Pasts, SIA Lattelecom, AS Software House Riga.

Newly elected president Eriks Eglitis said: "I truly share the mission and goals of the AmCham, and am honored to be part of its endeavors. ICT is always about change, being with time, on time, even running ahead of it at times. Equally - it is a balancing act of losing nothing of what has been built well. That is what I think I have been delivering to AmCham board so far, and what I'd love to continue doing: bring another angle, another viewpoint, to develop further great ideas of this remarkable community."

Arnis Kakulis, Director of AECOM was elected as Vice President for membership for one year period, Ingrida Karina-Berzina, Partner at COBALT as the Vice President for advocacy, Aigars Milts, Country Manager of Aon Baltic as the Vice President for programs and Janis Pinnis, General Manager of Dome Hotel & Spa were elected as Vice President for finance.

The Board of the American Chamber of Commerce in Latvia for 2017-2018 consists of:

  • Eriks Eglitis, Individual member
  • Juris Jakobsons, Head of Subsidiary Supervision, Citadele banka
  • Zinta Jansons, Partner at Ellex Klavins
  • Ingrida Karina-Berzina, Partner at COBALT
  • Arnis Kakulis, Director of AECOM
  • Janis Meija, Individual member
  • Aigars Milts, Country Manager of Aon Baltic
  • Janis Pinnis, General Manager of Dome Hotel & Spa
  • Liga Smildzina-Bertulsone, Executive Director of AmCham Latvia
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AmCham is a place to meet representatives of other industries and understand the business environment.

Signe Velina, Market Access Manager Latvia of Johnson & Johnson

AmCham is a 'must-join' organization for any company of scope or international ambition.

Karlis Cerbulis, Senior Vice President of NCH Advisors, Inc.