
Ellex named Baltic Law Firm of the Year at The Lawyer European Awards 2018

Mar 23, 2018
On March 15, 2018 Ellex was awarded Baltic Law Firm of the Year by The Lawyer European Awards 2018. The award winners were selected in 24 categories by a very high-level panel of judges which includes managing partners of international law firms and in-house lawyers of multinational companies. The awards, now in their ninth year, were the first of their kind to reward and celebrate excellence across the European legal market.

The Lawyer is one of the most prominent legal publications across the globe and the key criteria upon which it assesses law firms in their annual awards are significant operational developments, pioneering referral and cross-border work, diversity and employee training and development, plans to develop long-term strategy and use of technology and improvement in processes and operations.

"For Ellex the past year has been a year of doing things in a completely new way," comments Filips Klavins, the Managing Partner of Ellex in Latvia. "We have merged with Primus law firm, who was by size the 5th largest firm on the market, in Estonia and Glimstedt in Latvia and made strategic management changes in Lithuania. Now we can assist our clients with a total team of over 200 lawyers. Our focus areas include use of technology in creating most efficient service processes as well as development of Baltic legal market through very active legislative drafting."
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