
KPMG celebrates 20 years in Latvia

Sep 09, 2014

KPMG was founded in Latvia in 1994 initially supported by KPMG in Sweden. Today they are part of international's network of member firms in 155 countries worldwide. On September 11 they celebrated 20th Anniversary at the Latvian Railway History Museum with a beautiful concert performed by Xylem Trio.

KPMG in Latvia provides Audit, Tax and Advisory services and industry insight to help organizations negotiate risks and perform in the dynamic and challenging environments in which they do business. They assist firms and organizations in meeting their compliance requirements and help them develop, adding value to their clients' business. They have specialized staff with many different skills and backgrounds, and they are flexible adapting their services and developing new ones to meet the needs of their customers.

Watch the video about the 20 years of KPMG Baltics below:

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