
Supporting over 1000 breast cancer survivors

Aug 10, 2022

The Pink Train Foundation was founded in December 2014 and will therefore be celebrating its 8th birthday just before Christmas. The main aim of the Foundation is to provide support for women in Latvia suffering from breast cancer, covering the costs of individual counselling following diagnosis and during treatment or after treatment has ended, as well as physiotherapy following operations related to this disease. Since its creation the Foundation has helped over 1000 women during this difficult period in their lives and the number of women helped remains steady every year.

The Foundation currently offers to cover the costs of up to 8 counselling sessions with a psychologist or psychotherapist and these sessions can be used as needed with no time limit. If necessary, the number of visits can be increased. Regarding physiotherapy, the Foundation covers the costs of up to 10 consultations or exercise sessions with a physiotherapist. In Latvia there are often long waiting lists for state provided physiotherapy and the Pink Train Foundation aims to provide this service as soon as is needed following operations. The aim is to help women retain their physical and emotional balance as much as possible during this time and many women whom the Foundation has helped continue to exercise and be active afterwards.

In 2019 the Foundation launched the #pupkultūra (#boobculture) movement to raise awareness and reduce the fears and taboos surrounding this disease.

The Foundation's only income is through donations and all donations big or small will be greatly appreciated so that it can continue its mission of support and awareness.

Contact Founder and Board Member of the Foundation Zinta Uskale to find out more about donation possibilities: +371 2633 8398,

Donation details:
Rozā vilciena labdarības fonds
Registration Nr. 40008231744
Account: LV96RIKO0000084371014
Mobilly app: Ziedojumi/Donations - #pupkultūra

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