
Creating awareness on the role of education

Sep 29, 2022

On September 8, Iespejama misija launched campaign "My Best Teacher", which aims to highlight the prestige of the teaching profession and tell great stories about them as well as remind them of the important work they do.

The organization invites everyone to remember and publicly share stories about their best teachers who exemplify teaching excellence in the classroom. Everyone is welcome to share them in the family, at school, among friends, at the workplace and also on social networks, using hashtags #mansskolotājs and #manslabākaisskolotājs by Teacher's Day to be held on October 2nd.

Iespejama misija also invites to purchase useful items such as children's drawings, hoodies and many more. All products are available on their website:

Donations are being collected for the implementation of the new educational program which aims to attract and educate highly motivated preschool and primary school teachers in a work environment-based approach in the nearest future, which is every child's first learning experience.

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