
Latest FICIL news on labor, sustainable economic development, tax and construction

Jun 10, 2015

Key highlights from the past month:

  • The labour issues Working Group continues to work along three sub streams: 1) education, 2) legal matters and 3) smart immigration. The three subgroups continue to work independently aiming at submitting first initial drafts by mid-summer.Anyone still wishing to join the work group or any of the sub-groups is very welcome! Please contact if you'd like to join.
  • Sustainable Economic Development Working Group focuses on innovations as the main theme. Members of the group recently had a discussion with a representative of the Green Technology Incubator. Another meeting focused on Latvia's policy goals for research, technology development and innovation as well as on the latest developments in the Strategic Council for Research and Innovations.
  • Tax issues Working Group has formulated opinions on several legal aspects, including transfer of tax losses, amendments to the law regarding illegal payments, mediation and proposal for tax administrator to compensate taxpayer for unlawfully charged tax payments that are currently being submitted to the Ministry of Finance.
  • Construction Working Group met and discussed issues with regard to the application of the Construction Law and the Law on territorial planning.

FICIL is a business organization made up of the largest foreign investors in Latvia and 11 chambers of commerce. FICIL's mission is to improve the business environment and grow foreign investments in Latvia through an active dialogue with the government. To find out more visit website:

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Karlis Cerbulis, Senior Vice President of NCH Advisors, Inc.

Membership is an attestation that we belong to the modern Latvian business community.

Dace Silava-Tomsone, Managing Partner, COBALT