AmCham works hard to accomplish its goals and is a voice in the business community that is heard.
Filips Klavins, Managing Partner at Ellex Klavins
As from June 1st, 2018 Lasse Henritius has been nominated to Managing Director of the company and Jūlija Bajāre as Service Manager.
Henritius has an extensive background in outsourced service providing industry and has been working as independent management consultant for last seven years.
Bajāre will continue working with our customers and will take more direct responsibility to personnel when her former duties of managing director will be transferred to Lasse Henritius.
Jūlija Bajāre: "I am happy to continue my career in Leinonen Group. I strongly believe that becoming multinational, Leinonen Latvia management team will bring additional benefits to our clients and partners."
Lasse Henritius: "It is a pleasure accepting this position in situation where everything is up and running and company has been in capable hands. Now we have to look ahead and prepare for the changes digitalization will bring to accounting. I am very happy that Jūlija Bajāre stays with us -her experience and deep knowledge of our clients and processes will help significantly this transformation."
AmCham and PwC share the same values and targets to achieve socially.
Zlata Elksnina-Zascirinska, Country Managing Partner at PricewaterhouseCoopers