AmCham and PwC share the same values and targets to achieve socially.
Zlata Elksnina-Zascirinska, Country Managing Partner at PricewaterhouseCoopers
On June 8, the Saeima approved amendments to the Law on Higher Education Institutions, spearheading long-awaited reforms in the governance of Latvia's higher education institutions. It is a major accomplishment on the of Foreign Investors Council in Latvia (FICIL) and its Education Work Group led by Claudio Rivera, Associate Professor and BBA Program Director of RTU Riga Business School. The reform has been supported by larger foreign investors community, including AmCham.
The reform foresees a number of major changes, including the breakdown of higher education establishments in sciences universities, arts and cultural universities, applied sciences universities, and applied sciences university colleges.
Major changes are related to the management of higher education, as higher education councils are expected to be set up. The Council will be a collegial supreme decision-making body responsible for the sustainable development, strategic and financial supervision of higher education. The Council will also be responsible for the functioning of the State establishment of higher education in accordance with the objectives set out in its development strategy.
The amendments to the Law are scheduled to take effect on August 16, 2021.
Read more HERE
Membership is an attestation that we belong to the modern Latvian business community.
Dace Silava-Tomsone, Managing Partner, COBALT