
Welcome Forma Pro Films to membership

Feb 19, 2020
Forma Pro Films has joined the Chamber as a Small Business member. Forma Pro Films production company was founded in 1999. Forma Pro Films is one of the leading film production companies in the Baltic region. Company's filmography consists of feature movies, TV series and TV shows, produced during 17 years of activities on the market. Forma Pro Films works in coproduction with Russian, European and American companies. Moreover, Forma Pro Films was the first and the only company in Latvia which produced full-length Hollywood Emmy awarded feature with 8 million U.S. dollars budget. Forma Pro Films heads initiated creation of Riga City Council co-financing program "Riga Film Fund".

In the Chamber it will be represented by the group of producers Igors Pronins, Julie Zaytseva, Max Pavlov and Svetlana Punte.
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