
What benefits will TTIP bring to your business?

Jan 02, 2014
In February 2013, the Presidents of the United States and the European Union announced the launch of the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) between two regions.

Policy-makers and stakeholders have consistently stated that there is a lack of awareness and information about the practical benefits of TTIP, particularly to small and medium-size businesses and society as a whole. Therefore AmCham EU is looking to collect information through a series of questions that will help illustrate the practical implications of TTIP: how will it affect your company operations, services or products; would it enhance market access; how would your customers benefit, etc.

We would appreciate it if you could fill in the questionnaire on how TTIP could affect your business and send it back to Giovanni Mastrobuono ( at the AmCham EU secretariat in Brussels by 17 January 2014.

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