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Outlook on State Owned Enterprises in Latvia

Nov 28, 2017 from 16:00 till 19:00
SSE Riga, Strelnieku 4A, Soros Room
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AmCham Outlook: “State and Municipality Owned Enterprises – How to govern, What to retain, What has to be sold?” was held on November 28 at Stockholm School of Economics in Riga. 

As the result of this discussion AmCham is planning to prepare a position letter on State Owned Enterprises, therefore, we ask for your active participation in the discussion. On November 20, 2009, AmCham sent a position letter to the Prime Minister in support of public listing of state-owned companies. Click here to view the position letter in English

State Owned Enterprises (SOEs) is a fundamental part of Latvia’s economy, however, it is in the interests of the state and society to make sure the SOEs follow the best corporate governance practices and do not intervene with fair competition.

Speakers with different views on this issue discussed whether the state and municipalities should deal with business, or the enterprises rather be sold. The discussion touched upon OECD recommendations for competitive neutrality and looked into the issue of raising the sustainability, productivity, and competitiveness of SOEs in Latvia.

Topics addressed during the event were as follows:
1. Should the state/ municipalities do business, or should the enterprises be sold?
2. How to ensure that OECD recommendations for competitive neutrality are respected?
3. How to raise the sustainability, productivity, and competitiveness of SOEs?

To view the presentation by Andris Grafs, BICG

AmCham Outlook is a high-level forum aimed at exploring higher level issues in greater detail than other formats. It features Latvia's best and brightest, focused topics, a debate format and extended Q&A session.

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