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More value for customers with less resources

Jun 19, 2014 from 10:00 till 14:00
Lean is about creating more value for customers with less resources. With lean management tools you can achieve a better quality of work, increase customer satisfaction, lower costs, improve and incentivize your staff. Lean means boosting productivity and effectiveness.

Experts named operational excellence concepts that are based on TQM (quality focus), LEAN (delivery focus) and TPM (focus on costs). The essence of those concepts is try to focus on needs of the client, learn how to restore and solve the root causes. But if lean thinking means a different approach to business, then it must also imply a different approach to managing by the people striving to operate in a "lean" way. The core spirit of lean management also embodies the spirit of learning.

Lean Management Consultant from Sweden Krister Andersson explained the principle of lean management - Kaizen a system of continuous improvement in quality, technology, processes, company culture, productivity, safety and leadership. He said that „Kaizen as a Nirvana of lean management. By adding Kaizen you will create a competitive edge”.

Lean Manager Sandis Jansons named various examples of successful lean management implementation in Rigas Dzirnavnieks. He told that by implementing lean principles the company got more dedicated staff, increased production capacity, saved money on energy costs and total savings per year reached 360 thousand EUR.

According to Lecturer of Riga Business School Dr. Atis Zakatistovs change management is not a pill or one-off effort it needs to be embedded in the organization, it takes time and determination from the top management. He concluded his presentation by saying that in the end it means "Lots of Kaizen, not Suri Muri".
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