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Ways to foster a culture of giving

Jan 26, 2023 from 12:00 till 13:00
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On January 26, AmCham organized an online discussion on fostering a culture of philanthropy for a greater social impact. The discussion was joined by two experts Janis Taukacs, Partner (Tax and Customs) at Sorainen and Konrad Siwinski, Representative of Social Impact Alliance for CEE. Social Impact Alliance for CEE is an international think tank operating in 11 countries currently working on a report mapping barriers to greater social engagement in Latvia. The report is due in February 2023. Here you can find a report for the other 5 CEE countries.

This was a great opportunity to learn more about ways to support the NGO sector in Latvia and identify the current barriers to greater social engagement. The group will compile suggestions how to improve the current situation.

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Biogen Latvia


I look forward to promoting stronger U.S.-Latvia ties and working with AmCham members to ensure Latvia is a trusted destination for international business.

John Tully, Chairman of the Board of MikroTik

AmCham is a 'must-join' organization for any company of scope or international ambition.

Karlis Cerbulis, Senior Vice President of NCH Advisors, Inc.