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Recap of healthcare initiatives

Nov 14, 2023 from 16:00 till 17:00
Online: Zoom
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On November 14, the Healthcare work group members met to review the latest developments on healthcare projects including value-based healthcare, healthcare financing, digital health, secondary health data, and value-based medical procurements. Several legislative topics were also raised such as the EU Product Liability Directive and the new EU pharmaceutical rules. It was proposed to consider new projects promoting precision medicine and in-vitro diagnostic policy in 2024.

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VA Government Rud Pedersen Group


We re-affirm our commitment to the values that AmCham stands for and that we share.

Kārlis Danēvičs, Board member, Head of Credits and Risk at SEB Banka

We re-affirm our commitment to the values that AmCham stands for and that we share.

Kārlis Danēvičs, Board member, Head of Credits and Risk at SEB Banka