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Closing the income gap will reduce population outflow

Aug 28, 2013 from 18:00 till 21:00

For the 5th consecutive year more than 60 members of the American, Danish, Finnish, Norwegian and Swedish Chambers of Commerce met for a joint event at the Nordea bank. This was a kick-off event of the fall season.

The presentation on the recent demographic trends in Latvia and new EU member states by the Chief Economist Andris Strazds offered a unique perspective on the population dynamics and its correlation with unemployment and relative income levels. According to him, Latvia will stop losing its population by 2017 as the relative income gets closer to the EU-15 average.

Following the presentation and Q&A, Janis Buks, Head of Nordea banking Latvia invited guests to enjoy networking and wine on the  terrace.

To view the presentation of Andris Strazds.

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Signe Velina, Market Access Manager Latvia of Johnson & Johnson

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Filips Klavins, Managing Partner at Ellex Klavins