We are very pleased to be part of AmCham and are looking forward to driving innovation forward in Latvia.
Mikko Fernström, General Manager, Biogen Latvia
25 Tourism Working Group members attended the 3rd Joint Foreign Chambers Tourism working group meeting on December 15 at the Ministry of Economics.
The agenda of the meeting was as follows:
1. Presentation of “Magnetic Latvia” by Andris Ozols, LIAA
2. LIAA presentation of Marketing activity plan for 2016 (including MICE) by Inese Sirava, TAVA
3. USA, SE and NO chambers’ presentation of materials used for promotion.
This meeting was called and coordinated by the Swedish Chamber of Commerce in Latvia.
We re-affirm our commitment to the values that AmCham stands for and that we share.
Kārlis Danēvičs, Board member, Head of Credits and Risk at SEB Banka