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Upcoming changes in education system in Latvia

Mar 11, 2022 from 13:00 till 14:00

On March 11, members had an opportunity to meet with Anita Muizniece, Minister of Education and Science and hear more on the upcoming changes in the education system of Latvia. The Minister spoke about the necessity of advancing digital skills and life-long learning to adapt to the changing labor market needs. 

The meeting was moderatad by Claudio Rivera, Deputy Director, Bachelor Programs Director, Professor in Leadership at Riga Business School; Director at MIT J-Wel / RTU Project; Lead of Education at FICIL.

About the Speaker: 

Anita Muižniece, Minister for Education and Science 
Since June 2021 Anita Muižniece has become the Minister for Education and Science of Latvia. From the autumn of 2018 until assuming her post, she was a Member of the Parliament and in 2019 the Parliamentary Secretary of the Ministry of Education and Science. The Minister also has extensive experience in pedagogical work at various levels of education. She has previously worked in the private sector and in a municipality. Anita Muižniece has degrees in Business Administration and Pedagogy, and Education Sciences.

Her current priorities in the field of education and science include school network optimization, new financing model and strengthening the institution of school principals. 


Claudio Rivera, Deputy Director, Bachelor Programs Director, Professor in Leadership at Riga Business School; Director at MIT J-Wel / RTU Project; Lead of Education at FICIL



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