I would highly recommend membership to other professionals looking to expand their business connections.
Gundars Ziemanis, Latvia branch Country Manager, Siemens Healthineers
On April 27, AmCham sent a letter to stakeholders calling to revise the existing programs and courses available for upskilling and retraining based on the real demand in the labor market at present and following the crisis.
This is the right time to promote skills such as creativity, innovation, entrepreneurial mindset and multidisciplinary thinking to allow those who have been furloughed or lost their jobs due to COVID-19 crisis adapt to the transformation and become more resilient.
According to AmCham President Zinta Jansons: "With innovative and focused programs, the COVID-19 crisis can be turned into an opportunity to meet the upskilling challenge. AmCham has previously stressed the need to invest in the advancement of skills, however, now the time has come where bold action is needed to improve the program content available for upskilling and retraining of both the employed and unemployed. Refreshing the skills of the workforce should become a top priority for the public and private sector alike."
AmCham proposes to identify various solutions and technologies already available for use free of charge that can contribute to the skills needed and to introduce a new model of how skills are acquired - relevant for a digital society and economy.
With innovative and resilient programs, this crisis can be turned into an opportunity to meet the upskilling challenge.
Latvia's post pandemic economic recovery will largely depend on public investments in digitalization, education and upskilling of its workforce. Moreover, refreshing the skills of workers to meet the rapidly shifting demand should become a top priority.
Proposals to improve the quality and content of upskilling and retraining programs are based on four stages: foundational skills, critical soft skills, technical skills and continued learning. To view them in ENG and LV.
AmCham stands ready to engage in a dialogue with the Employment Agency and other stakeholders to support the improvement of training and acquiring critical skills to build a succesful post-crisis economy.
AmCham provides S3 a great opportunity to connect with business community.
Agne Stojakove, Market Vice President, Country Manager Strategic, Staffing Solutions International