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Ways to succeed in the US market

Jun 19, 2015 from 11:30 till 14:00
Radisson Blu Daugava Hotel, Kuga 24
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On occasion of the visit of the delegation from Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland, AmCham hosted a luncheon to explore opportunities offered by the US market. The event was an excellent opportunity for members to network and connect with various American companies from industries including manufacturing, healthcare, food and transportation.

The panel, made up of both young and established companies, shared their views about entering and succeeding in the US market as well as some challenges encountered.

The discussion highlighted the necessary tools for those who think about conquering the U.S. market. We heard useful tips from the following business representatives:

- Shawn DaVis, Senior Director of Business Development at the Greater Cleveland Partnership

- Dr. Gino Banco, Principal R&D Engineer for Medical Devices at Parker’s Engineered Materials Group (EMG)

- Iveta Zomerfelde, Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients Sales Manager of Grindeks

- Uldis Leiterts, Co-Founder of Infogr.am

AmCham President Arnis Kakulis presented some key facts about the US market, Latvia-US economic relationship and a list of must-do’s for businesses looking to establish or expand their operations in the US. 

The event was moderated by Ingrīda Kariņa-Bērziņa, Partner at COBALT and Vice President of AmCham.

AmCham has set a priority to enhance transatlantic trade, particularly, trade and investment between Latvia and United States. Our actions so far have been to raise awareness about the upcoming TTIP agreement, to foster the knowledge on the US market among Latvian business community as well as to call upon the government of Latvia to establish a permanent economic representation in the US. Under the current geopolitical circumstances when many Latvian companies are looking for diversification, it is critical to provide them with relevant information on the largest market in the world and connect them with possible business partners and organizations.

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