Membership is an attestation that we belong to the modern Latvian business community.
Dace Silava-Tomsone, Managing Partner, COBALT
The healthcare work group meebers met to discuss most recent projects and issues related to healthcare on November 5 at 16:00 via MS Teams. During the meeting members discussed the draft Biobank Law, the Public Health Guidelines for 2021-2027, results of the Design Thinking Workshop on improvement of the Oncology data registry, the Conference on Health Data "Riga Health Data Summit: Sharing is Caring" scheduled to be held on November 26, 2020 and legal framework on secondary use of health data.
The work group decided to organize a brainstorming session to discuss potential topics related to healthcare agenda for the next year on December 14th at 15:00 via MS Teams.
I look forward to promoting stronger U.S.-Latvia ties and working with AmCham members to ensure Latvia is a trusted destination for international business.
John Tully, Chairman of the Board of MikroTik