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AmCham Tourism WG discusses tourism marketing strategy

Mar 16, 2016 from 12:00 till 13:00
Ministry of Economics

On March 16, the AmCham Tourism Working group met with Acting Secretary of the Ministry of Economics, Raimonds Aleksejenko and Director of the State Tourism Development Agency, Inese Širava. The group discussed the current work on the State tourism marketing strategy and suggested ways how to improve it. It was agreed to review the draft of the strategy in the next few months and submit concrete recommendations to the Ministry as well as to the Agency.

Raimonds Aleksejenko appreciated the efforts of AmCham to create a contact network in the U.S. as well as the willingness to cooperate.  Aleksejenko informed that there will be 1.5-2 million EUR/year allocated for tourism marketing purposes for all markets. The funds will be used to boost regional tourism by developing the convention center in Riga. 

The State Tourism Development Agency (TAVA) was open for recommendations from the private sector on how to better utilize the resources. It was suggested that TAVA should consider closer cooperation with various Latvian trade offices run by LIAA.

The next meeting with the Ministry of Economics and TAVA is tentatively schedulded for the beginning of May.

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