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Upcoming events


  • Jan 21

    ACE Live Event: Business and Transatlantic Relationship under the Trump Administration

  • Jan 20

    Healthcare Work Group Meeting

    On January 20, the AmCham Healthcare work group convened to discuss the next activities and to provide an update on healthcare sub-groups about healthcare financing, digital health, precision medicine, VBHC, VBP and secondary health data regulation.

  • Jan 20

    The State of American Business is local

    On January 16, U.S. Chamber President and CEO Suzanne P. Clark called on policymakers to prioritize growth and opportunity for all Americans in her annual State of American Business keynote address. The State of American Business is local because businesses serve people where they are. Wherever a company, a service, a product, or a solution originates, its impact is always local. Because local is where we live our lives,” Clark stressed. This year's program was held in Dallas, Texas, one of America’s fastest-growing economic regions, to illustrate key areas policymakers need to focus on to succeed.

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AmCham works hard to accomplish its goals and is a voice in the business community that is heard.

Filips Klavins, Managing Partner at Ellex Klavins