
New manager for Alliance against Corruption

Jun 06, 2019

As of June 1, 2019, Ms. Inese Taurina has taken on the duties of Manager of the project Alliance Against Corruption in Latvia implemented by Transparency International Latvia (DELNA). Ms. Taurina was the Board Member of DELNA for more than two years (from March 30, 2017 till May 31, 2019), and member of DELNA since 2011.

Ms. Taurina has more than 16 years of experience in communications field. For the last four years she had taken part in organising such events as Digital Freedom Festival and conference ReputationTime. She has given lectures to public relations students at Latvian College of Culture. She has been a Head of Public Relations department at Rīga Stradiņš University for more than 6 years; being responsible of internal communication and public relations. Inese holds a MA degree in European Union Studies from Leiden University, the Netherlands and MSc degree in Communications and Information Sciences from Rīga Stradiņš University. I. Taurina has studied security of small states at University of Iceland, the history and principles of democracy and parliamentary systems at The Montesquieu Institute, the Hague, the Netherlands. Since January 2016 I. Taurina is executive secretary of LASAP / Latvian Association of Public Relations Professionals. She is an active member of sorority Dzintra since February 2000, manages its Scholarship Fund since 2007, and is a member of the Riga Stradiņš University Alumni Association. The main objective of the Alliance Against Corruption in Latvia, under the leadership of Ms. Taurina, is to reduce the public's tolerance against corruption and to encourage whistleblowing.

This can be achieved by following actions:

  • active involvement of the society in the implementation of the whistleblowing mechanism, as defined in the newly adopted Law on Whistleblowing;
  • enhancing legislative changes to strengthen openness and fight against corruption;
  • education of the society, engagement in corruption recognition and reporting - changing public values and habits.

The Alliance Against Corruption in Latvia (Alliance) is a voluntary and informal co-operation between Latvia's law enforcement agencies, government, business, and civil society that wish to see Latvia as an honest and thriving state. The Alliance is organizing different activities, conferences, seminars, public debates, and special events to raise the awareness of the negative effects of corruption on societal development and to encourage individuals to report instances of corruption.

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